EL Elegido Capitulo 103

EL Elegido Capitulo 103 : Viewers loving family elegido capitulo,, Welcome back to the next dish elegido capitulo impressions that are not less interesting than the previous story, and unfortunately passed away. In serving this time to tell

At the beginning of history, Andrew wins a trial and is rewarded with a trip to Spain, where they not only meets Mariana Estevez (Paola Krum), an idealistic lawyer, but also live a mystical encounter with the leader of a Masonic lodge.

The main objective of Mariana is not their professional growth, but to find out the truth about the death of his father. Andrew will go through countless tests to leave the cave in which he got while running the most extreme risks, such as losing his family, his dignity and the woman he loves is Mariana Estevez.

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